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Nowa rekrutacja:

Kolejna rekrutacja na studia Language Science and Technology odbędzie się w lipcu 2025 r. Szczegóły rekrutacji zostaną ogłoszone wiosną 2025 r.

Nie planujemy rekrutacji na rok akademicki 2024/25.

Wszelkie zapytania w sprawie studiów LST prosimy kierować na adres: lst.ils@uw.edu.pl.


Rekrutacja 2023/24:

Rejestracja studia rozpocznie się 1 sierpnia 2023 r. i potrwa do 12 września 2023 r. Aby przejść do systemu rekrutacyjnego, kliknij tutaj.

Spotkanie informacyjne online odbyło się 18 lipca! Kolejne spotkanie planujemy na 24 sierpnia godz. 17.00. Kliknij tutaj, żeby się zapisać!


  • znajomość j. angielskiego na poziomie C1
  • ukończone studia licencjackie


  • przedstawienie krótkiego opisu własnego pomysłu badawczego
  • rozmowa kwalifikacyjna


Rozmowy kwalifikacyjne planowane są na 19-20 września 2023 r.

Szczegóły na temat wymagań rekrutacyjnych i dokumentów, które należy załączyć znajdują się tutaj.

Poniżej znaleźć można odpowiedzi na pytania, które pojawiły się podczas spotkania informacyjnego:

I have BSc in computer science and started two linguistic studies at University of Warsaw and got some ETCs but have not finished studies. I am a right candidate?

Yes, you are eligible for this programme.

Is the programme’s scholarship independent from the rector’s scholarship?

No, it’s independent from it, which means that you can also get the rector’s scholarship if you are eligible.

Are the graduates of Master’s programme at the Univeristy of Warsaw also eligible for the scholarship?

Yes. The scholarship will be given based on your results in the programme from the second semester on and all our students are eligible.

How will the tutors be assigned/chosen? Will they be the same people as MA thesis supervisors?

You will choose your own tutor. They will not be assigned to you. They can then become your thesis supervisor but not necessarily. You can also have a different supervisor afterwards depending on your personal research interests. You can go to the teachers/faculty section to find out what the research interests and expertise of each of the teachers are. By clicking on the teacher’s name, you will be forwarded to their personal university webpage which contains more detailed information on their experience and publications.

Are you planning all the classes on site in the Institute or some of them will be online?

The classes will be on site in principle but some of the classes will also be organized in a hybrid mode.

Will the programme be available part-time in the future?

We are considering such an option for future edition but this would be something additional, perhaps offered in parallel to the regular onsite M.A. programme.

When will the elective courses be announced?

The elective courses for a given semester will be announced separately, depending on teacher availability. All the elective courses for the winter semester of the 2023/2024 academic year will be announced by July 28th.

Is there a course schedule for the 1st year posted somewhere? I am wondering if it would be possible to reconcile studying LST with a second MA degree.

The class schedule for the first (winter) semester is now available here.

There are two application fees in the IRK system: 85 pln or 100 pln for if the candidate is obliged to participate in written exam, oral exam, or qualification interview. Which applies?

In this case, there is a qualification interview so you have to pay 100 PLN.

Can we also transfer grades (like the general uni courses) from a completed BA or MA?

You can transfer grades but you need to complete 6 ECTS of general university courses and 6 ECTS of social sciences (also general university) courses during the programme. You may ask the deputy Dean or deputy Rector if this can be waived in some circumstances.

Do we have physical education?

No, M.A. studies do not include physical education.

Is it possible not to attend a course if we already have the skills given other study programmes or work experience?

Yes. This will be evaluated individually by the teacher. If e.g., you already know the basics of programming you can pass a test at the beginning of the semester and receive your grade immediately. You can then skip the class. Such procedures will be conducted in special circumstances only and provided that you can document your knowledge of a given course programme.

Would it be possible to go on ERASMUS and study abroad for a semester during this programme?

We are currently evaluating such a possibility. In principle yes but in order for you to find the Erasmus useful, we need agreements with foreign faculties that are aligned in their study programmes to ours. We will be seeking such agreements in the months to come.